Women Abuse Reveals Evil Resulting In Civil War

From the perspective of our natural mind, there can be no more horrific war story than the one recorded in chapters 19 – 21 of the book of Judges found in the Hebrew Bible. There it is related how women abuse reveals evil resulting in civil war among the tribes of the nation of Israel. Dependent upon which version of the Bible is read, one may make an assessment of the moderation or mordancy of culpability attributed to the parties involved in this tragic narrative.

Levite Returns For Wife

Dreadful is the beginning of this story with a Levite man from the hill country of Ephraim going to Bethlehem to retrieve his concubine/wife who had fled to her father’s house because she was angry with him. The succeeding context suggest that this Levite was of a selfish, brash and arrogant temperament, with little regard for the welfare of others, especially women. Arriving at the father-in-law’s house, he cordially entreated his maiden to return home with him. Consequently, she agreed; as her father made welcome the Levite/priest, setting forth festivities for his pleasant visit. Persuading the Levite to stay for four days and enjoy his hospitality, the father was unable to compel the Levite to remain on day five. Late in the day, he departed for Ephraim.

Daylight began to wane as he reached Jebus/ Jerusalem, and his servant suggested they lodge there for the night. However, his bias against so-called alien people prevented him from abiding in their city. He ventured on toward Gibeah which he viewed as a friendly Benjamite city. Notwithstanding, arriving early nightfall, no one offered to receive him as guest in their home. Consequently, they found a place in the city square to rest for the night. Presently, an old man, also of Ephraim, returning from the fields, observed the party and invited them to dwell at his house for the night.

Men Of Gibeah At The Door

Men of Gibeah, having learned that visitors resided with the old man, surrounded his house and began beating at the door; demanding that he should send them out so they could have their way and sexually abuse them. The old man declined, offering the dastardly alternative to send out his own virgin daughter along with the Levite’s concubine, claiming this to be a lesser evil. Not satisfied with this answer, the men began to force their way through the door; but before they could breech the door, the Levite shoved his wife out and slammed the door behind her. These vile men of Gibeah attacked the woman and sexually used her all night long. After taking turns, they let her go; allowing her to stumble half-dead upon the old man’s doorstep just before dawn. The Levite came out early morning and brusquely called out, up, let’s be going! but, there was no answer. And we shall subsequently see that this Women Abuse Reveals Evil Resulting In Civil War for the nation of Israel.

Women Abuse Reveals Evil Resulting In Civil War

Story to be continued……..

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