Women Abuse Reveals Evil Resulting In Civil War III

Having consulted with and cried before Yehovah for the third time, Israel is fortified by his word of deliverance and proceeds to fulfill how women abuse reveals evil resulting in civil war III. This time they take a note from Joshuah’s strategy book during his attack at Ai. Benjamin, by this time, is puffed and fill with pride because of their previous victories; not realizing that disaster is merely a brief distance away.

Israel approaches Gibeah as before in a frontal attack. And as before the troops of Benjamin come confidently out to join the battle against them, driving them into another retreat. However, Israel has set 10,000 soldiers in ambush posture round about the city. When the forces of Benjamin are far enough outside of the city walls pursuing Israel, the Israeli forces lying in wait attack, killing all of the inhabitants, and burn the city with fire. When Benjamin looks back and see the smoke looming skyward, they realize they have been caught in a trap. They attempt to flee, but Israeli forces hunt them down, killing all but 600 men.

Evil Catches Them In A Trap

Those 600 survivors of Benjamin flee to refuge at the Rock of Rimmon where they remained for four months. Israel, realizing its brutal and genocidal breech upon their brother tribe, are remorseful, and desire to make amends. Their plan of reparation is to mount an attack upon the unsuspecting town of Jabesh-Gilead whose men had not answered the call for military service. Israel attacked the town, killing all of it’s inhabitants excepting 400 virgin women. Again, we see that. Women Abuse Reveals Evil Resulting In Civil War III.

Women Abuse Reveals Evil Resulting In Civil War III

Israel’s proposal is to present these 400 virgins as wives for a peace offering to Benjamin who are in danger of losing their inheritance and future posterity. Remember, however, there are only 400 virgins; while 600 men in need of a mate. Therefore, another evil plot is hatched to wait for the festival at Shiloh when the young maids come out dance. There, the remainder of Benjamin’s tribe is to lay in hiding; and while the girls are unaware, Benjamin kidnaps two hundred other virgins for wives. Thus, Benjamin prevents the extermination of a tribe from Israel.

Evil Revealed In Women Kidnapping

Certainly, there is no way to completely decipher the mind and purpose of Yehovah through these horrific events, nevertheless, we understand that Women Abuse Reveals Evil Resulting In Civil War III. Women did not have a voice nor control over their own bodies. Although God can use evil to bring about good, we believe that much civil strife and abuse may be eliminated should we simply strive to treat each other humanely. The civil war we have recounted hung on the evil of men. Yet, Yehovah used the tribe of Benjamin to anoint Israel’s first king, and the tribe of the concubine woman, Judah, to anoint a savior, the King of Kings.

A savior Of Women And All Humankind

Women Abuse Reveals Evil Resulting In Civil War II

The narrative of the Levite and his concubine in Judges 19 – 21 continues here in Women Abuse Reveals Evil Resulting In Civil War II. It is a chilling illustration of how the callousness and disregard for devotion to Yehovah, and dismissiveness regarding the rights and feelings of women can lead to disastrous consequences. The Levite returned home preparing to send a graphic message to all the tribes that evil and foolishness had been done in Israel.

Levite perpetuates Evil He Helped To Trigger

Again, we see that the Levite was willing to employ macabre methods to send a message to the several tribes for the vindication of his honor. Like a piece of meat hoisted upon the butcher’s table, he proceeded to cut his concubine into twelve pieces; then, he sent a piece to every tribe. Of course, all but the tribe of Benjamin were outraged by such a dreadful display. Consensus for a plan of action was contemplated among the tribal leaders and 400,000 constituents in a meeting at Mizpah. They went up to Benjamin demanding that the evil men of Gibeah be given up for execution. Benjamin, unwilling to amend the evil, refused to give the men up; thereby, initiating the beginning of civil war in Israel.

Israel Assembles Demanding Evil Men Of Gibeah

After inquiry of the Lord at Bethel, Judah was chosen first to go up and fight against the people of Benjamin. Benjamin had brought 26,000 men to the fight, beside the 700 who were already at Gibeah. Among those, there were said to be 700 left-handed who were sharp shooters able to hit a hairbreadth target. Judah went up but were discomfited, losing 22,000 men in the battle. Retreating to lick their wounds and weep before Yehovah, they queried of God if they should go up again. Receiving counsel to go out and fight again the second day, Israel attacked Gibeah; but again, were buffeted and thrown back, 18,000 men being mowed down. Utterly disappointed and doubtful, Israel withdrew to Bethel, where the Ark of God was, weeping, fasting, and offering burnt and peace offerings. Nevertheless, they inquired once more, and Yehovah assured them that Benjamin would be delivered into their hand.

Women Abuse Reveals Evil Resulting In Civil War II

Coming Soon: Final Episode of Women Abuse Reveals Evil Resulting In Civil War III