Now Or Kingdom Anxiety

Now Or Kingdom Anxiety

Anxiety over waking up dead

facing ten thousand years

without light or merely a moment.

Straining to understand the momentous

gulf that lies beyond the stars

separating one life from another.

Having hopes of being joined in unity

with the universe.

We wait minds fainting to grasp

what blood covenant has bought

for us paid in full mansions or hovel.

Now Or Kingdom Anxiety

Anticipating forever praises

Love to imbue

or remembering failures

of the promise to renew

what God has forfeited to focus

our love on one another.

All would be in vain

to wake up eyes in a

cruel and strange land

unable to sing nor make

a noise of everlasting joy.

Nevertheless, unlike those without hope

We press

not avoiding violence

formerly by hand

now filling the heart

full of the Love

so strong

that storms the Kingdom

where we converge upon nether land.

Growing in light only sensed

prior to this new consciousness.

Casting away unwarranted cares

comprehending encoquillè comforts

causing liberated expression

voiced in non-perishing praise

reverberating beyond the chasm

joining in life from the beginning

purposed for fruitfulness and dominion.

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