Moses’ Final War

Following the taking of a second census of Israel, Moses is directed by Yehovah to get up into mount Abarim where he might view the promise land. Upon this viewing, he was told that he would not enter in with Israel because of his rebellion through striking the rock at Meribah. In turn, he would be gathered with the ancestors. Subsequent to ordaining Joshua as his successor, and establishing Yehovah’s laws and festivals in the land, he is directed to make preparations for his final war.

Moses Prepared Warriors

Yehovah instructs Moses to assemble an army of warriors from the twelve tribes of Israel. One thousand men of fighting age from each tribe to go out and fight against the Midianites. Not the entire army, but only twelve thousand men are given the charge to fight in Moses’ final war. I would surmise that this meager military force was chosen to demonstrate that it was Yehovah who truly fought the battles and gave Israel victory in the campaign against Canaan. Yehovah was at work bringing his chosen people into the possession and inheritance which he had promised, even to Abraham.

Surely Moses sent the armed soldiers out to war against Midian to avenge Yehovah for their seduction of Israel in causing them to fall away from Yehovah into physical and spiritual adultery. Yehovah’s campaign against Midian resulted in Israel’s warriors killing the five kings of Midian, all the fighting age males, and Balaam of Peor who had attempted to curse Israel and enticed them to sin. After defeating the Midianites, Israeli soldiers took all their goods, cattle, women, and children back to Moses in their encampment on the plains of Moab.

Moses Destroys Midian

Moses, however, was not pleased with the actions which his soldiers had taken in keeping alive women who caused Israel to trespass, nor male children who carried the traits of their fathers. He rebuked them for their actions and ordered them to slay all the male children and all the women who had slept with a man. The other young women could be taken as wives for the fighting men. When all the spoils and captives had been purified, they were divided equally among those who had gone out to fight and the rest of the congregation, notwithstanding, a tribute going to Yehovah and the Levites. Unceremoniously, Moses’ final war was concluded with him having an inner conflict that it was also the conclusion of his struggle against death; for he was to be gathered to his people.

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