Joshua Defeats The Joint Forces

The people of Israel and Joshua are positioned to defeat the joint forces of Canaan once they have crossed over the Jordan river. After the conquest of Jericho and Ai, the inhabitants west of the Jordan become terrified at the prospect of facing an army directed and upheld by the God of Israel.

Five Kings Threaten Gibeon

A prime example of the fear extant in the land can be seen in the deceptive ploy which was executed against Israel by the people of Gibeon. Because of fear of Israel’s army, they designed a plot to appear as if they had come from a far away country, clothes threadbare and food moldy, to make an alliance with Israel and seek it’s protection. Israel’s princes ratified the peace treaty upon an oath without consulting Yehovah. Therefore, even though Gibeon was actually Israel’s near neighbor, they could not mount an act of aggression against them.

Because of Gibeon’s deceitful alliance with Israel, Adoni-zedek, king of Jerusalem, pulled together a joint force of four other kings of great cities to take up arms against Gibeon for their traitorous act. While these joint forces encamped against Gibeon for an attack, the Gibeonites sent word to Joshua to come up quickly to help and save them from their enemies. Receiving again a word from the Lord not to fear for He has delivered them into his hand, Joshua assembled all of his army to go up from Gilgal and defeat the joint forces gathered against Gibeon.

Joshua Marched All Night To Gibeon

Marching all night, Joshua and the army of Israel came upon the joint forces arrayed against Gibeon suddenly and routed them, chasing them along the way from Beth-horon unto Makkedah, making a great slaughter. Not only were these joint forces defeated, but the Lord rained down great hailstones which killed more of them than were slain by the army of Israel. Nevertheless, the defeat was not fully accomplished, therefore, Joshua, in prayer to Yehovah, commanded the sun to stand still until their foes were completely vanquished.

Joshua Commands The Sun To Stand Still

Joshua’s army pursued the five kings of the joint forces to a cave in Makkedah. They were brought out of the cave, killed, hanged on trees until evening, then buried in the caves to which they had fled. Joshua and the army of the Lord went on conquests from Makkedah to defeat other joint forces which arrayed themselves against Israel. Little by little he defeated all of the joint forces of Canaan and secured the promised inheritance. And there was rest from war in the land.

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