From The Valley Of Trouble To Overthrow A Troubled City

Joshua assumed full command after his victory at Jericho, the people began pouring praise upon him due to his triumph. Possibly that may have been the reason he failed to recognize Israel had fallen into a valley of trouble. He had been tasked by God to overthrow Ai, a troubled city. But, because of the trouble of Achan, in violating the ban on Jericho, he had first to follow God’s plan to bring Israel from the valley of trouble.

Joshua Triumphant

Israel presumed they would take the city of Ai without much trouble since the people there were only a few in number. They went up to battle without any consultation with Yehovah. Consequently they were routed and found themselves fleeing from their enemies; not understanding, they were in a valley of trouble.

Joshua, not comprehending how to come to grips with his army’s failed attack, proposed some serious questions for God. But Yehovah had the more serious question, why are you laying here upon your face, when the cursed thing must be destroyed from among you.

Achan had taken desirable articles from Jericho after Yehovah commanded that everything should be destroyed. As a result, his sin was was viewed as corporate; and it plunged all Israel into a valley of trouble. God’s assignment to remedy the trouble was for Joshua to bring all the tribes together, and by lots, to select the family which had transgressed. Achan’s family was selected; subsequently, his Achan’s family, and all that he owned was destroyed. And a heap of stones was raised over them in the valley of trouble.

Stones Over Achan

From this valley of trouble, because of its strategic location, Ai, the troubled city, was the next objective in the path of conquest. As with Jericho, its defeat was vital to the conquest of the entire land. Ai was smaller than Jericho, but its conquest was essential because it would give Israel control of the main route that ran along the highlands from north to south in the central portion of the land.

Ai Overthrown

Only this time, God’s tactical plan would be employed. Joshua selected a troop to lie in wait behind the city while he, with another force would approach the city from the gates as before. When the resident army came out to fight with Israel, they would flee as they had in the prior battle. Once the army of Ai was out to pursue Israel, the rear guard took the city and closed in for attack; Ai’s army, caught in a vice, was completely destroyed. All of the residents, men, women and children were killed; the troubled city, overthrown, was trouble no more.

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