For Our Daughters

I prayed to God
bless 2023, and don’t let it be so cold
don’t let there be a wintry suffering January
harsh March winds blowing tidy sums
from tight pockets into overblown bowls
of affluence.
Don’t let utility profiting cold
freeze the hearts of our America
faced with the urgency of each others sins
of uncaring.

Cover Our Daughters

Cover us with sunshine, Oh Lord
in the morning even as our daughters
begin their growth guided by
the spirit of fire. Infinite Star
focus your light on the issues
sitting motionless in the evening breeze
of apathy.

Enlightened Daughters

Let there be recognition of worth
warm shoulders nurturing commitment
to God bless America in 2023
Soften our souls
Shut out the cold.

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  1. Byanca Jones

    I love the poems. It’s perfect to start off the new year 2023 with a blessing over your daughters or children. Beautiful poems! Keep up the good reads. I am truly enjoying your writings.

    1. lesme2t

      Thanks for your gracious comments.

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