Now Or Kingdom Anxiety

Now Or Kingdom Anxiety

Anxiety over waking up dead

facing ten thousand years

without light or merely a moment.

Straining to understand the momentous

gulf that lies beyond the stars

separating one life from another.

Having hopes of being joined in unity

with the universe.

We wait minds fainting to grasp

what blood covenant has bought

for us paid in full mansions or hovel.

Now Or Kingdom Anxiety

Anticipating forever praises

Love to imbue

or remembering failures

of the promise to renew

what God has forfeited to focus

our love on one another.

All would be in vain

to wake up eyes in a

cruel and strange land

unable to sing nor make

a noise of everlasting joy.

Nevertheless, unlike those without hope

We press

not avoiding violence

formerly by hand

now filling the heart

full of the Love

so strong

that storms the Kingdom

where we converge upon nether land.

Growing in light only sensed

prior to this new consciousness.

Casting away unwarranted cares

comprehending encoquillè comforts

causing liberated expression

voiced in non-perishing praise

reverberating beyond the chasm

joining in life from the beginning

purposed for fruitfulness and dominion.

The Cross

The Cross

The Cross

Some cross their fingers
or make a sign upon their head or breast
reducing what was gruesome
to something more or less
hung on fair and brawny necks
some fanciful piece to be desired
such rugged instrument was thought despised.
That which stood on darkened Calvary
an emblem of His pain
gold embossed fashion speaks disdain
now given in exchange.
Many ages have it idolized
corrupted beauty entertain
not realizing its heartless task
was to ensure men would be slain.
This uncompromising executioner
found no common ground with victims
from pleas and tears it did refrain
the only fame was sought
let nothing of life remain.
Therefore, when in your heart
the cross you truly see
Jesus on that cross cried finished
that meant you and me.

Living In America

Living In America

Living in America where men died that we might have opportunity
taking part in the hope of capitalistic liberty
reaping the fruits of an open democracy.
But now take a peek what do you truly see
Living men lying in spiritual poverty
a world apart from our half heart response for
they don’t look like you and me.
Some cry deep briny tears that drip, drip crevices
in hard heads, stony hearts dying in vanity
wandering souls wondering would it be futile
to make just one plea
or try make some sense by asserting
man’s right looking with an eye for an eye dignity.
After all living in America the land of the brave
and the would be free
has not, will not, recognize distressed community
simply absconded, marginalized through American legalities.
Oh I know, you want to really just let it be
for that would not entail a full measure of equality
put on, pat on, patronizingly lulled into a sense of affinity
characterized, impersonalized, stigmatized receptors in stagnant ennui
while inner fires flare forging emboweled, deep-seated adversity.
Sideliners watch movers shake twin towers satiated in their dust
and all the pretty people consider doing the world a favor consuming on their lust
living men lying in spiritual decadence consider their reality is a must
understanding their exclusion from a nickel’s worth of In God We Trust
passively accepting living in America means remaining home no boom just bust.
Yea, so what does the preacher have to say to this American plight
don’t worry, my brothers and my sisters, everything gone be all right
Now let the church say Amen, keep the faith and plant your seed
yet we find compassion is unequal to meet the children’s need.
For America is reluctant to relinquish its irreverent reality
engendering distance, deference, dissonance, religious and social enmity
depriving itself of living valuable contributors needlessly
Comprehending these events require no dictionary
witnessing such backlash is really getting scary
Acquiesce no more to apathetic ushers at hell’s mortuary
Awake ministers of burning flame and fire to see
generations living, loving, dying without a clue
God is still living in America too.

America Still Calling

For Our Daughters

I prayed to God
bless 2023, and don’t let it be so cold
don’t let there be a wintry suffering January
harsh March winds blowing tidy sums
from tight pockets into overblown bowls
of affluence.
Don’t let utility profiting cold
freeze the hearts of our America
faced with the urgency of each others sins
of uncaring.

Cover Our Daughters

Cover us with sunshine, Oh Lord
in the morning even as our daughters
begin their growth guided by
the spirit of fire. Infinite Star
focus your light on the issues
sitting motionless in the evening breeze
of apathy.

Enlightened Daughters

Let there be recognition of worth
warm shoulders nurturing commitment
to God bless America in 2023
Soften our souls
Shut out the cold.

Contribution To Life

Peace as purse snatcher’s feet
fleeting unfaithful hearts which
boast of schemes thought resolute

peace fleeting

Promises out of perpetual mouths
merely rejected diets that starve the soul
and leave action lying mute.

Trickle down truth to our heirs
flushed faith brings forth springs
that quench the fears of defeat.

Youth Need Truth

Relieving limits on mankind
will free the limits of one’s mind
ageless intention rests complete

Strength Of Will

Yahweh’s strength activates the will
of man. As man’s will, through grace
activates his earthly domain.

To people God left A plan
fill the nations with equity
wash away the hurt and pain.