A Whore’s Son Judges Israel

Israel does evil: turns from Yehovah

Because Yehovah’s people practiced evil, biblical history records a whore’s son judges Israel. A revolving cycle of Israel’s struggle with evil and returning to God continues in Judges 11 -12:7. Whereas this particular event records how a whore’s son is called by God to deliver Israel from the attack of the Ammonites. Jephthah, the son called, is a mighty warrior and gang leader who had been ostracized from his father Gilead’s inheritance by his half-brothers.

A Whore’s Son Judges Israel

Although Jephthah had been kicked to the countryside by the men of Gilead, nevertheless, they valued his fighting prowess and spirit. Therefore, they invited him to become head over their army and region. Consequently, all the people gathered at Mizpeh and consented before Yehovah that Jephthah be acknowledged as head over Gilead. Following his commission as commander-in-chief and king, Jephthah sent messengers to the king of Ammon demanding to know why he was being attacked.

“A Whore’s Son named Jephthah Asked to Be Ruler over Israel”

In answer to Jephthah’s inquiry, the king of Ammon replied that Israel had taken his land when they came out of Egypt. He insists that the land be returned peaceably. Using a diplomatic counter, Jephthah recounts how Israel had been denied passage through Edom and Moab. And how, after requesting passage, Sihon, the king of the Amorites, had come out to attack Israel. As a result, Yehovah defeated the Amorites and gave their land to Israel. Since Yehovah had given the land to Israel, Jephthah posits, shall we give it to the Amorites? Jephthah, then, expresses his faith that the Lord will judge between Israel and the Ammonites.

Yehovah’s Spirit moves Jephthah to attack the Ammonites

As it was, the king of the Ammonites not listening, the stage became set for war. Judges declares that the Spirit of the Lord came upon Jephthah prompting him to pass over Manasseh and Mizpeh of Gilead to attack the children of the Ammon. With a vow, he asked Yehovah to deliver the children of Ammon into his hands. And, through the battle, the Lord did indeed deliver them into his hands. He returned home to great triumph of victory. However, his vow that he would offer up as burnt offering that which first greeted him from his house became a grief that would bring him low. For it was his daughter, his only child, that turned victory into defeat.

Jephthah’s vow brings him low

Apparently, the Ephraimites did not think very highly of Jephthah and their brothers the people of Gilead. Because of their envy at Gilead’s victory over the Ammonites, they proposed to burn out Jephthah and his household. However, Jephthah beat them to the punch by capturing the fords of the Jordan and killing every Ephraimite who could not correctly pronounce the word Shibboleth (stream). His victories through faith, his might in the power of the Holy Ghost made this son of a whore a judge in Israel for six years.

Jephthah takes the fords of Jordan

Regardless of your birth or the circumstances of your background, Yehovah can make of you a powerful force in your community and world. Trusting God, no matter what people think of you, will pay off even though you suffer a little while. What God has given to you do not count of little value to be stowed or given away. Let all of the light he has provided shine forth as a bright noon day. Your gift is not to be vowed as some bargain with God but used to bring him glory.

Power Grab At Shechem

Conspiring for power

Power grab at Shechem

Israel returned to his old ways of falling away from Yehovah to worship the gods of Canaan after the death of Jerubbaal (Gideon). Jerubbaal had fathered a son by his concubine in Shechem whose name was Abimelech. Upon the death of his father, Abimelech sought to make a power grab at Shechem by conspiring with his mother’s family. Consequently, the plot which they concocted involved Abimelech proclaiming himself as king after killing off his sixty-nine half-brothers from other wives of Jerubbaal.

Yehovah not pleased with the power grab

Abimelech’s and his conspirators’ treachery resulting in the power grab at Shechem did not go unnoticed by Yehovah. Jotham, the surviving son who had hidden himself, hearing of the dirty deed, prophesied they would be turned against one another. When Yehovah sent an evil spirit between the two parties, the men of Shechem turned their treachery against Abimelech. God set in motion a series of events which resulted in the conspirators paying the price for shedding the blood of Jerubbaal’s sons. Men of Shechem, becoming disenchanted with Abimelech’s rule, began an insurrection in the mountains. They bad mouthed Abimelech and started robbing everyone who came along their way.

Shechem suffers a beat down

Gaal, the leader of the insurrection, had been signifying against Abimelech. And Zebul, ruler of the city at Shechem, heard his boasts and sent word to Abimelech. Zebul advised Abimelech to march through the night and set the attack against the city at daybreak. As Gaal looked out the gate at dawn he saw a horde of four military companies coming down the mountains in attack mode. Zebul chided him for his boasting and prodded him to join the fight. Abimelech chased him; and he and his fellows were thrown out of the city. The next day Abimelech beat down the city and burned out the men and women who fled to the hold of the house of their god Berith.

Abimelech felled by a woman’s hand

Consequences of power grabbing

Following the fall of Shechem, Abimelech went on to set the battle in array against Thebez. He succeeded in conquering the city. However, there was a strong tower within the city to which all the men and women fled. They got to the top of the tower and proceeded to shut off access. Abimelech fought against the tower; and came close up to the door to burn it with fire. As fate would have it, there was a certain woman who threw a millstone from the tower which landed on Abimelech’s head, breaking his skull. Consequently, Abimelech asked his armorbearer to kill him so that it would not be said that he was killed by a woman.

Therefore, this biblical narrative in Judges 9 concludes that Yehovah has rendered evil upon those who have conspired through evil to make a power grab at Shechem. Jotham’s prophecy, although not immediate, had eventually come to pass. This example begs the question regarding people who have corrupted their way in order to grab power, how will they indeed be recompensed by God?

Trusting In A Symbol For Warfare

Trusting In A Symbol

Before the youth Samuel had become a prophet and the final judge in Shiloh, Israel had begun trusting in a symbol for warfare rather than the actual presence of God. Since Yehovah had intervened for them in many previous battles, and especially in delivering them out of Egypt, they assumed that he would be with them as the Philistines put themselves in array in an effort to encroach upon their territory. Israel was trusting in a symbol for warfare which became not only the nexus of their defeat but also ushered in the transition from theocracy to monarchy.

Philistine Army Arrayed Against Israel

Israel Assumes A Victory

Israel is confronted with the armies of the Philistines and went out to battle against them from their position beside Ebenezer. From their response following the battle in chapter 4 of first Samuel, we can surmise they held the assumption that victory was theirs for the taking. However, Philistines brandishing them from the field proved that assumption incorrect, handing them a loss of about four thousand footmen. Retreating to camp, the elders began to cry and complain that it was the Lord’s doing in their defeat, he not being present during the battle. Consequently, they sent back to Shiloh for Eli the priest’s sons, Hophni and Phinehas, to bring up the Ark of the Covenant, assuming that it would assure them of victory.

Trusting In A Symbol For Warfare

Misplaced confidence in a symbol

Arrival of the Ark of the Covenant aroused a renewed and excited but misplaced confidence that the presence of Yehovah now with Israel would provide the victory. The Israelites raised such a great shout of confidence in the symbol of the Lord’s presence as the Ark entered the camp that it brought fear in the hearts of the Philistines. They remembered and recognized that this was the great God who had smitten the Egyptians and brought Israel from under the oppression of her enemies. Nevertheless, the Philistines strengthened and stirred themselves up for warfare, every man steadied and prepared for the fight.

Israel Falls Again At Ebenezer

Israel Falls Again At Ebenezer

At Ebenezer, during the second battle, the Philistines fought ferociously against Israel and soundly thrashed them, causing them to flee and lose thirty thousand footmen in the process. Eli’s wicked sons, Hophni and Phinehas, were killed as prophecy had foretold; and the Ark of the Covenant was taken by the Philistines. A messenger escaped to run back to Shiloh with the bad news, informing the people of the ill events which had befallen the army of Israel and the Ark. Hearing the devasting events caused Eli, again according to prophecy, to fall backward from his seat by the road and break his neck. His daughter-in-law, Phinehas’ wife, died in childbirth while bringing forth a son whose name indicated that the Lord, His glory, had departed from Israel.

Trust God Not Symbols For Your Warfare

It may save us from the hand of our enemies:

They regarded the ark as the ultimate “good luck charm” and believed they could not lose with it there. They looked to the ark to save them, not to the LORD.

i. “Instead of attempting to get right with God, these Israelites set about devising superstitious means of securing the victory over their foes. In this respect most of us have imitated them. We think of a thousand inventions; but we neglect the one thing needful…. They forget the main matter, which is to enthrone God in the life, and to seek to do His will by faith in Christ Jesus.” (Spurgeon)

ii. “There are plenty of Christians, like these elders, who, when they find themselves beaten by the world and the devil, puzzle their brains to invent all sorts of reasons for God’s smiting, except the true one, – their own departure from Him.” (Maclaren)

Women Abuse Reveals Evil Resulting In Civil War III

Having consulted with and cried before Yehovah for the third time, Israel is fortified by his word of deliverance and proceeds to fulfill how women abuse reveals evil resulting in civil war III. This time they take a note from Joshuah’s strategy book during his attack at Ai. Benjamin, by this time, is puffed and fill with pride because of their previous victories; not realizing that disaster is merely a brief distance away.

Israel approaches Gibeah as before in a frontal attack. And as before the troops of Benjamin come confidently out to join the battle against them, driving them into another retreat. However, Israel has set 10,000 soldiers in ambush posture round about the city. When the forces of Benjamin are far enough outside of the city walls pursuing Israel, the Israeli forces lying in wait attack, killing all of the inhabitants, and burn the city with fire. When Benjamin looks back and see the smoke looming skyward, they realize they have been caught in a trap. They attempt to flee, but Israeli forces hunt them down, killing all but 600 men.

Evil Catches Them In A Trap

Those 600 survivors of Benjamin flee to refuge at the Rock of Rimmon where they remained for four months. Israel, realizing its brutal and genocidal breech upon their brother tribe, are remorseful, and desire to make amends. Their plan of reparation is to mount an attack upon the unsuspecting town of Jabesh-Gilead whose men had not answered the call for military service. Israel attacked the town, killing all of it’s inhabitants excepting 400 virgin women. Again, we see that. Women Abuse Reveals Evil Resulting In Civil War III.

Women Abuse Reveals Evil Resulting In Civil War III

Israel’s proposal is to present these 400 virgins as wives for a peace offering to Benjamin who are in danger of losing their inheritance and future posterity. Remember, however, there are only 400 virgins; while 600 men in need of a mate. Therefore, another evil plot is hatched to wait for the festival at Shiloh when the young maids come out dance. There, the remainder of Benjamin’s tribe is to lay in hiding; and while the girls are unaware, Benjamin kidnaps two hundred other virgins for wives. Thus, Benjamin prevents the extermination of a tribe from Israel.

Evil Revealed In Women Kidnapping

Certainly, there is no way to completely decipher the mind and purpose of Yehovah through these horrific events, nevertheless, we understand that Women Abuse Reveals Evil Resulting In Civil War III. Women did not have a voice nor control over their own bodies. Although God can use evil to bring about good, we believe that much civil strife and abuse may be eliminated should we simply strive to treat each other humanely. The civil war we have recounted hung on the evil of men. Yet, Yehovah used the tribe of Benjamin to anoint Israel’s first king, and the tribe of the concubine woman, Judah, to anoint a savior, the King of Kings.

A savior Of Women And All Humankind

Women Abuse Reveals Evil Resulting In Civil War II

The narrative of the Levite and his concubine in Judges 19 – 21 continues here in Women Abuse Reveals Evil Resulting In Civil War II. It is a chilling illustration of how the callousness and disregard for devotion to Yehovah, and dismissiveness regarding the rights and feelings of women can lead to disastrous consequences. The Levite returned home preparing to send a graphic message to all the tribes that evil and foolishness had been done in Israel.

Levite perpetuates Evil He Helped To Trigger

Again, we see that the Levite was willing to employ macabre methods to send a message to the several tribes for the vindication of his honor. Like a piece of meat hoisted upon the butcher’s table, he proceeded to cut his concubine into twelve pieces; then, he sent a piece to every tribe. Of course, all but the tribe of Benjamin were outraged by such a dreadful display. Consensus for a plan of action was contemplated among the tribal leaders and 400,000 constituents in a meeting at Mizpah. They went up to Benjamin demanding that the evil men of Gibeah be given up for execution. Benjamin, unwilling to amend the evil, refused to give the men up; thereby, initiating the beginning of civil war in Israel.

Israel Assembles Demanding Evil Men Of Gibeah

After inquiry of the Lord at Bethel, Judah was chosen first to go up and fight against the people of Benjamin. Benjamin had brought 26,000 men to the fight, beside the 700 who were already at Gibeah. Among those, there were said to be 700 left-handed who were sharp shooters able to hit a hairbreadth target. Judah went up but were discomfited, losing 22,000 men in the battle. Retreating to lick their wounds and weep before Yehovah, they queried of God if they should go up again. Receiving counsel to go out and fight again the second day, Israel attacked Gibeah; but again, were buffeted and thrown back, 18,000 men being mowed down. Utterly disappointed and doubtful, Israel withdrew to Bethel, where the Ark of God was, weeping, fasting, and offering burnt and peace offerings. Nevertheless, they inquired once more, and Yehovah assured them that Benjamin would be delivered into their hand.

Women Abuse Reveals Evil Resulting In Civil War II

Coming Soon: Final Episode of Women Abuse Reveals Evil Resulting In Civil War III

Women Abuse Reveals Evil Resulting In Civil War

From the perspective of our natural mind, there can be no more horrific war story than the one recorded in chapters 19 – 21 of the book of Judges found in the Hebrew Bible. There it is related how women abuse reveals evil resulting in civil war among the tribes of the nation of Israel. Dependent upon which version of the Bible is read, one may make an assessment of the moderation or mordancy of culpability attributed to the parties involved in this tragic narrative.

Levite Returns For Wife

Dreadful is the beginning of this story with a Levite man from the hill country of Ephraim going to Bethlehem to retrieve his concubine/wife who had fled to her father’s house because she was angry with him. The succeeding context suggest that this Levite was of a selfish, brash and arrogant temperament, with little regard for the welfare of others, especially women. Arriving at the father-in-law’s house, he cordially entreated his maiden to return home with him. Consequently, she agreed; as her father made welcome the Levite/priest, setting forth festivities for his pleasant visit. Persuading the Levite to stay for four days and enjoy his hospitality, the father was unable to compel the Levite to remain on day five. Late in the day, he departed for Ephraim.

Daylight began to wane as he reached Jebus/ Jerusalem, and his servant suggested they lodge there for the night. However, his bias against so-called alien people prevented him from abiding in their city. He ventured on toward Gibeah which he viewed as a friendly Benjamite city. Notwithstanding, arriving early nightfall, no one offered to receive him as guest in their home. Consequently, they found a place in the city square to rest for the night. Presently, an old man, also of Ephraim, returning from the fields, observed the party and invited them to dwell at his house for the night.

Men Of Gibeah At The Door

Men of Gibeah, having learned that visitors resided with the old man, surrounded his house and began beating at the door; demanding that he should send them out so they could have their way and sexually abuse them. The old man declined, offering the dastardly alternative to send out his own virgin daughter along with the Levite’s concubine, claiming this to be a lesser evil. Not satisfied with this answer, the men began to force their way through the door; but before they could breech the door, the Levite shoved his wife out and slammed the door behind her. These vile men of Gibeah attacked the woman and sexually used her all night long. After taking turns, they let her go; allowing her to stumble half-dead upon the old man’s doorstep just before dawn. The Levite came out early morning and brusquely called out, up, let’s be going! but, there was no answer. And we shall subsequently see that this Women Abuse Reveals Evil Resulting In Civil War for the nation of Israel.

Women Abuse Reveals Evil Resulting In Civil War

Story to be continued……..

300 With Trumpets, Clay Pots And Torches Conquer Midian Armies

Biblical warfare stories prompt us to ask how does 300 with trumpets, clay pots and torches conquer Midian armies. The stage is set when Israel backslides from Yehovah and is consequently oppressed by Midian for seven years. The Israelites begin to cry out to God; and in his mercy, he laments his prior inaction on their behalf, and provides a remedy for their oppression.

Gideon threshing by the winepress

The remedy provided was an angel of Yehovah visiting Gideon threshing wheat by the winepress in an attempt to hide from the Midianites. Although he was hiding to prevent Midianite robbers from confiscating his grain, the angel of the Lord addressed him as the Mighty Man of Valor. The Lord instructed him to go in strength and save Israel from the hand of the Midianites.

Gideon, in his doubt, asked Yehovah for a sign to prove that God was with him in amassing a force to fight against the armies of Midian. Only after God had shown him signs, wet fleece on dry ground and dry fleece on wet ground, did Gideon gain assurance to gather his people together and pitch beside the well of Harod against the host of the Midianites. Even so, the Lord proclaimed that Gideon had too many people with him. After pairing out the fearful, he got down to twenty-two thousand; however, for the purpose of God’s glory, that was still too many.

Only lappers make the 300

Gideon is instructed by Yehovah to bring the people down to the water to test them. only those who drank from the water holding their hand to their mouth and lapping with their tongue as a dog shall be selected to join the battle against Midian. Three hundred were left to fight and deliver Israel from their oppressors. Three hundred men with food and trumpets go down in the valley to conquer the Midianites.

Upon hearing a providential dream interpreted in the camp of the enemy, Gideon assembled his 300 with trumpets, clay pots and torches to conquer Midian. He divided the three hundred into three companies; a trumpet, a pot with a torch within in every man’s hand. At his signal during the middle watch all of the men blew their trumpets, broke their pots and held up the torches that were within. Seeing the torches light surrounding their camp and hearing the 300 shout, “The sword of the Lord, and of Gideon”, the Midianites began to flee and fight against one another.

300 with trumpets, clay pots and torches conquer Midian armies

Midianite troops being routed by their own fears, Gideon called in reserves from all the men of Ephraim along with Asher, Naphtali, and Manasseh to finish the mop up operation. They captured and killed all the kings of Midian, divesting them of all their royal robes and riches. Israel had rest from Midian who would never rise up against them again. As a result of the 300 with trumpets, clay pots and torches conquering Midian armies, Gideon became ruler over Israel.

Militant Women At War For Israel

Because of sin in the land, a turning away from Yehovah to the idols of Canaan, there was a call for militant women at war for Israel. Jabin, the king of Hazor, and his general Sissera had terrorized and kept Israel in bondage for twenty years. God awakened the woman Deborah to lead his people out of spiritual confusion and mount a militant rebellion and victorious campaign against the kings of Canaan.

Deborah the only woman judge of Israel

We discover Deborah under Deborah’s Palm Tree holding court, judging the people of Israel and calling them into their true covenantal relationship with Yehovah. God had given her a militant prophetic spirit and military skill which inspired to go to war for Israel. Deborah impressed upon Barak to assemble an army of ten thousand men for battle against the mighty forces and nine hundred iron chariots of Sisera. Although she declared that God had already given Barak the victory, he, filled with trepidation, retorted that he would go up to battle only if she went with him. And so she did. However, she warned him that another militant woman would get the honor of victory.

Deborah holding court

Deborah sets the stage for war

Deborah and Barak assembled their troops, mainly from the tribes of Naphtali and Zebulun, at Kedesh; and from there, they marched up to mount Tabor. When Sisera heard that Barak and the modest Israelite were gone up to mount Tabor, he mobilized his army with all his nine hundred iron chariots and went out to set the battle in array by the river Kishon. Deborah shouted the battle cry saying, “arise, for this is the day in which the Lord has delivered Sisera into your hand.”

Deborah goes up to war

The Lord routs Sisera for Deborah and Barak

As the battle ensued, Yehovah intervened on behalf of Barak and the Israelite army by moving the natural forces to pour down rain upon the mechanized elements of Sisera’s forces. The sudden change of rainry weather resulted in the clogging of chariot wheels which caused them to become bogged down in the mud of Taanach by the waters of Megiddo. Sisera’s apparent advantage swiftly turned into a detriment that enabled the Israelite army to rout the Canaanite forces, destroying them down to every man. Sisera alights from his chariot and beats a quick path into the hills while his remaining troops are being hunted down and killed.

Canaanites routed at Taanach

Yehovah validates militant women at war for Israel

Sisera escaped from the scene and made his way to a Kenite off-shoot camp which had made a tenuous alliance with Jabin, king of the Canaanites. However, God had prepared another militant woman at war for Israel to meet him and entice him into a false sense of safety. Jael, the wife of Heber the Kenite, gave him comforting words, a comfortable blanket, milk for his thirst, and assurance that she would stand at the door for his security. Nevertheless, no sooner was he asleep than she took a tent pin and a hammer and nailed his head to the ground. When Barak came looking, Jael went out to welcome him and inform him that she had taken the honor of victory by being a militant woman at war for Israel.

Militant women at war for Israel

Militant women at war for Israel may serve as a paradigm for women everywhere to employ their skills as well as their charms in the service of Yehovah to bring his people into a loving, covenantal, and safe relationship with him. It may possibly also serve as a cautionary tale to men who may demonstrate apathy in stepping up to the plate to assume spiritual and practical responsibility for leadership, while not discounting the power of militant women at war for God’s new Israel.

Joshua Defeats The Joint Forces

The people of Israel and Joshua are positioned to defeat the joint forces of Canaan once they have crossed over the Jordan river. After the conquest of Jericho and Ai, the inhabitants west of the Jordan become terrified at the prospect of facing an army directed and upheld by the God of Israel.

Five Kings Threaten Gibeon

A prime example of the fear extant in the land can be seen in the deceptive ploy which was executed against Israel by the people of Gibeon. Because of fear of Israel’s army, they designed a plot to appear as if they had come from a far away country, clothes threadbare and food moldy, to make an alliance with Israel and seek it’s protection. Israel’s princes ratified the peace treaty upon an oath without consulting Yehovah. Therefore, even though Gibeon was actually Israel’s near neighbor, they could not mount an act of aggression against them.

Because of Gibeon’s deceitful alliance with Israel, Adoni-zedek, king of Jerusalem, pulled together a joint force of four other kings of great cities to take up arms against Gibeon for their traitorous act. While these joint forces encamped against Gibeon for an attack, the Gibeonites sent word to Joshua to come up quickly to help and save them from their enemies. Receiving again a word from the Lord not to fear for He has delivered them into his hand, Joshua assembled all of his army to go up from Gilgal and defeat the joint forces gathered against Gibeon.

Joshua Marched All Night To Gibeon

Marching all night, Joshua and the army of Israel came upon the joint forces arrayed against Gibeon suddenly and routed them, chasing them along the way from Beth-horon unto Makkedah, making a great slaughter. Not only were these joint forces defeated, but the Lord rained down great hailstones which killed more of them than were slain by the army of Israel. Nevertheless, the defeat was not fully accomplished, therefore, Joshua, in prayer to Yehovah, commanded the sun to stand still until their foes were completely vanquished.

Joshua Commands The Sun To Stand Still

Joshua’s army pursued the five kings of the joint forces to a cave in Makkedah. They were brought out of the cave, killed, hanged on trees until evening, then buried in the caves to which they had fled. Joshua and the army of the Lord went on conquests from Makkedah to defeat other joint forces which arrayed themselves against Israel. Little by little he defeated all of the joint forces of Canaan and secured the promised inheritance. And there was rest from war in the land.

From The Valley Of Trouble To Overthrow A Troubled City

Joshua assumed full command after his victory at Jericho, the people began pouring praise upon him due to his triumph. Possibly that may have been the reason he failed to recognize Israel had fallen into a valley of trouble. He had been tasked by God to overthrow Ai, a troubled city. But, because of the trouble of Achan, in violating the ban on Jericho, he had first to follow God’s plan to bring Israel from the valley of trouble.

Joshua Triumphant

Israel presumed they would take the city of Ai without much trouble since the people there were only a few in number. They went up to battle without any consultation with Yehovah. Consequently they were routed and found themselves fleeing from their enemies; not understanding, they were in a valley of trouble.

Joshua, not comprehending how to come to grips with his army’s failed attack, proposed some serious questions for God. But Yehovah had the more serious question, why are you laying here upon your face, when the cursed thing must be destroyed from among you.

Achan had taken desirable articles from Jericho after Yehovah commanded that everything should be destroyed. As a result, his sin was was viewed as corporate; and it plunged all Israel into a valley of trouble. God’s assignment to remedy the trouble was for Joshua to bring all the tribes together, and by lots, to select the family which had transgressed. Achan’s family was selected; subsequently, his Achan’s family, and all that he owned was destroyed. And a heap of stones was raised over them in the valley of trouble.

Stones Over Achan

From this valley of trouble, because of its strategic location, Ai, the troubled city, was the next objective in the path of conquest. As with Jericho, its defeat was vital to the conquest of the entire land. Ai was smaller than Jericho, but its conquest was essential because it would give Israel control of the main route that ran along the highlands from north to south in the central portion of the land.

Ai Overthrown

Only this time, God’s tactical plan would be employed. Joshua selected a troop to lie in wait behind the city while he, with another force would approach the city from the gates as before. When the resident army came out to fight with Israel, they would flee as they had in the prior battle. Once the army of Ai was out to pursue Israel, the rear guard took the city and closed in for attack; Ai’s army, caught in a vice, was completely destroyed. All of the residents, men, women and children were killed; the troubled city, overthrown, was trouble no more.