Book Review Of “Will”

Book Review Of "Will"

Will Smith’s book, “Will”, is a Penguin Press 2021 publication of the famous actor’s and celebrity’s memoirs. This book review of “Will” reveals that it is a fast-moving collection of personal stories detailing what he considers to be his emotional, historical, and social trajectory of life. The book is co-authored with Mark Manson.

Book Review Of “Will”

This book review of “Will” discloses how the author details much of his early childhood upbringing, his personal development within the unique familial context, and what those influences had on his becoming the type of human being he would mature into. Daddio and Mom-Mom, his parents, three siblings and kids from the west Philadelphia neighborhood made up the nucleus which informed his evolving personality.

“Will” is a book whose central theme explores the concept of Willard Carroll Smith II’s courage. The book advances the manner in which those early influences, family environment, strict parental forces, close-knit middle-class neighborhood pressures and social aspirations served to promote or constrict his concept of courage. Will considered himself to be a coward from early childhood, unwilling to take a stance for what he considered truthful or right; he would waffle in the face of conflict.

Will developing courage in family

In our book review of “Will” we discovered that Will employs a streaming narrative that rehearses the formative events of his journey as a precocious kid from the streets of Philadelphia to a fledging and then failing MC to a world-renowned movie star. He demonstrates how his funny and entertaining personality acted as a coping mechanism for dealing with his perceived issues of conflict avoidance.

His storytelling ability is notable with the use of a mixture of street idiom and lively standard language use. Through such devices, he pens the frustrations and successes which mark his eventual rise to fame and stardom. Will sets out the circumstances, controversies and yes, conflicts, that molded the character which has come to define his life. Although he has achieved the pinnacle of success, from his narrative we get the sense that he can never become satisfied or at peace with his accomplishments.

The author, in our review of “Will”, presents his life story as a possible motivation for those striving for wealth and success. The book may be especially appealing to young people who desire to attain a significant measure of instant gratification. However, he does not fail to remind his audience that the climb is a grind. He records that along with being in the right place at the right time, one must have a dogged work ethic which sometimes draws the resentment of others, not only outside, but inside your social orb. “Will” describes how Will is still going through the process of coming to grips with himself. The book is an easy, entertaining read which intrigues attention. Check it out for yourself.

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