The Kemet Christian Connection

Nile Valley religious tenets and traditions have been misinformed and misrepresented. However, Kemetic religious doctrines have informed the foundations of Christian belief and practice. In other words, Nile Valley religious text demonstrate that there is the Kemet Christian connection. The evolution of Christian theology and doctrine owes much to roots planted in the religion of Kemet.

“The Kemet Christian Connection”

Conceptions of God and the universe in both Nile Valley and Christian accounts are strikingly similar. In both a self-created God creates heaven and earth. He divides the waters, creates light, which is separated from darkness, and creates humankind. Researchers who were predominantly Christian weighted historical information to align with their particular convictions. They skewed information so as to portray African religion as Polytheistic, anthropomorphic, or idolatrous. However, Africans have viewed God as One from the conception of time. The Netchery were simply aspects or manifestations of that one God.

Kemites First Believers In Everlasting Life

The Kemet Christian connection may be observed in the fact that the people of Kemet were the first human beings to express belief in a doctrine of everlasting life. Their yet undiscovered process of embalming was developed to preserve the bodies of the dead. Prayers and litanies were placed with the entombed body to prepare the soul for safe passage to the next world. The so-called Book of the Dead was really the “coming forth by day”. These ancient Nile Valley texts were a reference to the rebirth or resurrection of the soul of those departed.

Source Material For Ten Commandments

Another aspect of the ancient texts of Kemet is its probable source for the ten commandments on which later Christianity is grounded. Consider that Moses, who is credited with giving the commandments, was educated in Egypt. The content of the of the 42 Declarations of Maat is mirrored in the commandments. Nevertheless, the Declarations were written at least 1500 years before the Ten Commandments. Kemetic tradition of placing focus on the Netcherw was severed by Pharaoh Akhenaton. He taught a singular personification of God worshipped as Aton. It is surmised that Moses was a disciple of Akhenaton from whom he obtained his concept of “One God”.

Moses Learns Commandments In Kemet

A Whore’s Son Judges Israel

Israel does evil: turns from Yehovah

Because Yehovah’s people practiced evil, biblical history records a whore’s son judges Israel. A revolving cycle of Israel’s struggle with evil and returning to God continues in Judges 11 -12:7. Whereas this particular event records how a whore’s son is called by God to deliver Israel from the attack of the Ammonites. Jephthah, the son called, is a mighty warrior and gang leader who had been ostracized from his father Gilead’s inheritance by his half-brothers.

A Whore’s Son Judges Israel

Although Jephthah had been kicked to the countryside by the men of Gilead, nevertheless, they valued his fighting prowess and spirit. Therefore, they invited him to become head over their army and region. Consequently, all the people gathered at Mizpeh and consented before Yehovah that Jephthah be acknowledged as head over Gilead. Following his commission as commander-in-chief and king, Jephthah sent messengers to the king of Ammon demanding to know why he was being attacked.

“A Whore’s Son named Jephthah Asked to Be Ruler over Israel”

In answer to Jephthah’s inquiry, the king of Ammon replied that Israel had taken his land when they came out of Egypt. He insists that the land be returned peaceably. Using a diplomatic counter, Jephthah recounts how Israel had been denied passage through Edom and Moab. And how, after requesting passage, Sihon, the king of the Amorites, had come out to attack Israel. As a result, Yehovah defeated the Amorites and gave their land to Israel. Since Yehovah had given the land to Israel, Jephthah posits, shall we give it to the Amorites? Jephthah, then, expresses his faith that the Lord will judge between Israel and the Ammonites.

Yehovah’s Spirit moves Jephthah to attack the Ammonites

As it was, the king of the Ammonites not listening, the stage became set for war. Judges declares that the Spirit of the Lord came upon Jephthah prompting him to pass over Manasseh and Mizpeh of Gilead to attack the children of the Ammon. With a vow, he asked Yehovah to deliver the children of Ammon into his hands. And, through the battle, the Lord did indeed deliver them into his hands. He returned home to great triumph of victory. However, his vow that he would offer up as burnt offering that which first greeted him from his house became a grief that would bring him low. For it was his daughter, his only child, that turned victory into defeat.

Jephthah’s vow brings him low

Apparently, the Ephraimites did not think very highly of Jephthah and their brothers the people of Gilead. Because of their envy at Gilead’s victory over the Ammonites, they proposed to burn out Jephthah and his household. However, Jephthah beat them to the punch by capturing the fords of the Jordan and killing every Ephraimite who could not correctly pronounce the word Shibboleth (stream). His victories through faith, his might in the power of the Holy Ghost made this son of a whore a judge in Israel for six years.

Jephthah takes the fords of Jordan

Regardless of your birth or the circumstances of your background, Yehovah can make of you a powerful force in your community and world. Trusting God, no matter what people think of you, will pay off even though you suffer a little while. What God has given to you do not count of little value to be stowed or given away. Let all of the light he has provided shine forth as a bright noon day. Your gift is not to be vowed as some bargain with God but used to bring him glory.

Power Grab At Shechem

Conspiring for power

Power grab at Shechem

Israel returned to his old ways of falling away from Yehovah to worship the gods of Canaan after the death of Jerubbaal (Gideon). Jerubbaal had fathered a son by his concubine in Shechem whose name was Abimelech. Upon the death of his father, Abimelech sought to make a power grab at Shechem by conspiring with his mother’s family. Consequently, the plot which they concocted involved Abimelech proclaiming himself as king after killing off his sixty-nine half-brothers from other wives of Jerubbaal.

Yehovah not pleased with the power grab

Abimelech’s and his conspirators’ treachery resulting in the power grab at Shechem did not go unnoticed by Yehovah. Jotham, the surviving son who had hidden himself, hearing of the dirty deed, prophesied they would be turned against one another. When Yehovah sent an evil spirit between the two parties, the men of Shechem turned their treachery against Abimelech. God set in motion a series of events which resulted in the conspirators paying the price for shedding the blood of Jerubbaal’s sons. Men of Shechem, becoming disenchanted with Abimelech’s rule, began an insurrection in the mountains. They bad mouthed Abimelech and started robbing everyone who came along their way.

Shechem suffers a beat down

Gaal, the leader of the insurrection, had been signifying against Abimelech. And Zebul, ruler of the city at Shechem, heard his boasts and sent word to Abimelech. Zebul advised Abimelech to march through the night and set the attack against the city at daybreak. As Gaal looked out the gate at dawn he saw a horde of four military companies coming down the mountains in attack mode. Zebul chided him for his boasting and prodded him to join the fight. Abimelech chased him; and he and his fellows were thrown out of the city. The next day Abimelech beat down the city and burned out the men and women who fled to the hold of the house of their god Berith.

Abimelech felled by a woman’s hand

Consequences of power grabbing

Following the fall of Shechem, Abimelech went on to set the battle in array against Thebez. He succeeded in conquering the city. However, there was a strong tower within the city to which all the men and women fled. They got to the top of the tower and proceeded to shut off access. Abimelech fought against the tower; and came close up to the door to burn it with fire. As fate would have it, there was a certain woman who threw a millstone from the tower which landed on Abimelech’s head, breaking his skull. Consequently, Abimelech asked his armorbearer to kill him so that it would not be said that he was killed by a woman.

Therefore, this biblical narrative in Judges 9 concludes that Yehovah has rendered evil upon those who have conspired through evil to make a power grab at Shechem. Jotham’s prophecy, although not immediate, had eventually come to pass. This example begs the question regarding people who have corrupted their way in order to grab power, how will they indeed be recompensed by God?

Now Or Kingdom Anxiety

Now Or Kingdom Anxiety

Anxiety over waking up dead

facing ten thousand years

without light or merely a moment.

Straining to understand the momentous

gulf that lies beyond the stars

separating one life from another.

Having hopes of being joined in unity

with the universe.

We wait minds fainting to grasp

what blood covenant has bought

for us paid in full mansions or hovel.

Now Or Kingdom Anxiety

Anticipating forever praises

Love to imbue

or remembering failures

of the promise to renew

what God has forfeited to focus

our love on one another.

All would be in vain

to wake up eyes in a

cruel and strange land

unable to sing nor make

a noise of everlasting joy.

Nevertheless, unlike those without hope

We press

not avoiding violence

formerly by hand

now filling the heart

full of the Love

so strong

that storms the Kingdom

where we converge upon nether land.

Growing in light only sensed

prior to this new consciousness.

Casting away unwarranted cares

comprehending encoquillè comforts

causing liberated expression

voiced in non-perishing praise

reverberating beyond the chasm

joining in life from the beginning

purposed for fruitfulness and dominion.

Ancient African Symbols Relationship To Religion

Ancient African Symbols

Animals were usually used to depict the characteristics of a particular Netcher (manifestation of God) since the nature of an animal was distinctive and consistent. Therefore, ancient African symbols relationship to religion is demonstrated through those animal representations. The following examples are a list of some of the ancient African symbols which provide insight into the essence of specific Netchery.

The Ibis Symbol

Ibis, a sacred bird

Consider that the ibis is a bird that sleeps with its head folded beneath its wing, simulating the shape of a heart. In ancient African symbolism, the heart was considered the seat of the soul and true intelligence. The Netcher Djhuiti was pictured with an ibis head representing divine articulation of speech and intelligence. He was keeper of the sacred cubit and the creator of science, writing and medicine. Moreover, Djhuiti was known to the Greeks as Thoth and Hermes. However, to the Romans, he was identified as Mercury.

The scarab beetle

Resurrection and the scarab beetle

In African culture the scarab beetle symbolized the resurrection and immortality of God as represented by the sun. In this connection, the scarab lays its eggs in a ball of dung which it rolls around on the ground in the direction of the sun. Sunlight warms the eggs within the dung ball facilitating their metamorphosis and emergence into light as winged scarabs. The ball of dung symbolizes matter, the eggs spiritual potential and the winged scarabs represent spiritual rebirth. Kheprea is the Netcher imbibing these transformative powers and is viewed as a metaphor for resurrection.

Ancient African Symbols – The Falcon

Falcon flight toward the sun

Now we look at the falcon symbol which represents sun and light. A falcon can soar into the air where light abounds with rapid flight. Therefore, the falcon represents the Netcher Heru, and his right eye symbolizes the sun and the sun’s ability, like that of God, to see all things at all times. In addition, the eye perceives light, indicative of the process of spiritual awareness. Native Americans incorporated similar inferences into their culture, such as, hawk eye and eagle eye.

Ancient African Symbols Relationship To Religion

Introduction of ancient African symbols relationship to religion

African symbols have served an essential role in the development of every facet of civilization. Writing, art, science, philosophy and many other areas of everyday life have been influenced by these symbols. Ancient African symbols were a language which communicated on various levels, informing the educated mind of abstract and practical means of thought. Ancient African symbols relationship to religion were no less important for communicating an understanding of the divine or knowledge of God.

African priests observed the stars

Symbols from heaven

Ancient African astronomers/priests devoted themselves to the study of the heavens. They used symbols to catalog and codify their findings, subsequently submitting their reports to community officials. These astronomer/priest waxed well-versed in the secrets of the universe, discovering the movements of the stars and planets. Their increase in knowledge over generations enabled them to discern the relationships between phases of heavenly bodies and their influence on human beings, animals, vegetation and the earth itself.

Ancient African symbols

Relationship to religion

African astronomer/priest developed a specialized interest in religion as their knowledge began to increase. That knowledge empowered them to greater understand their relationship with the infinite power which was seen as God. Ancient Africans of the Nile River Valley viewed the universe as the ultimate expression of one superior being manifesting itself in all of the functions and principles of that universe. These features of the one supreme God were collectively referenced as Netcherw and individually as Netcher. Each manifestation of a Netcher was associated with a divine feature of God represented by a specific symbol. Animals were usually selected to represent qualities of a certain Netcher since the nature of animals were unique and tended to remain constant. The following examples illustrate some ancient African symbols relationship to religion.

Ancient African Symbols Relationship To Religion

Ancient symbol of truth

Our first example pointing out ancient African symbols relationship to religion is Maat. Maat is associated with the seven cardinal virtues, the keys to human perfectibility. They are: truth, justice, propriety, harmony, balance, reciprocity and order. The symbolic representation of Maat as a human figure with outstretched hands and wings is the prototype of the image of the angel found in the world’s major western religions. The ostrich feather and the balance are also symbols of Maat and the precepts she represents. The seven virtues and 42 admonitions of Maat were the guidelines of correct behavior and the standard against which the soul of the deceased would be judged. People who lived in accordance with the principles of Maat were guaranteed a just reward in the afterlife after the judgement of the soul. (Browder, Nile Valley Contributions to Civilization. 1992, p.82).

St. Michael painting inspired by African symbol

The divine attributes of Maat were the prime inspiration for the concept of the angel in Christian theology. The fifteenth-century painting of ” St Michael Weighing Souls ” portrays the winged image of a male weighing the soul of a man on the scale of judgement.

The Cross

The Cross

The Cross

Some cross their fingers
or make a sign upon their head or breast
reducing what was gruesome
to something more or less
hung on fair and brawny necks
some fanciful piece to be desired
such rugged instrument was thought despised.
That which stood on darkened Calvary
an emblem of His pain
gold embossed fashion speaks disdain
now given in exchange.
Many ages have it idolized
corrupted beauty entertain
not realizing its heartless task
was to ensure men would be slain.
This uncompromising executioner
found no common ground with victims
from pleas and tears it did refrain
the only fame was sought
let nothing of life remain.
Therefore, when in your heart
the cross you truly see
Jesus on that cross cried finished
that meant you and me.

Trusting In A Symbol For Warfare

Trusting In A Symbol

Before the youth Samuel had become a prophet and the final judge in Shiloh, Israel had begun trusting in a symbol for warfare rather than the actual presence of God. Since Yehovah had intervened for them in many previous battles, and especially in delivering them out of Egypt, they assumed that he would be with them as the Philistines put themselves in array in an effort to encroach upon their territory. Israel was trusting in a symbol for warfare which became not only the nexus of their defeat but also ushered in the transition from theocracy to monarchy.

Philistine Army Arrayed Against Israel

Israel Assumes A Victory

Israel is confronted with the armies of the Philistines and went out to battle against them from their position beside Ebenezer. From their response following the battle in chapter 4 of first Samuel, we can surmise they held the assumption that victory was theirs for the taking. However, Philistines brandishing them from the field proved that assumption incorrect, handing them a loss of about four thousand footmen. Retreating to camp, the elders began to cry and complain that it was the Lord’s doing in their defeat, he not being present during the battle. Consequently, they sent back to Shiloh for Eli the priest’s sons, Hophni and Phinehas, to bring up the Ark of the Covenant, assuming that it would assure them of victory.

Trusting In A Symbol For Warfare

Misplaced confidence in a symbol

Arrival of the Ark of the Covenant aroused a renewed and excited but misplaced confidence that the presence of Yehovah now with Israel would provide the victory. The Israelites raised such a great shout of confidence in the symbol of the Lord’s presence as the Ark entered the camp that it brought fear in the hearts of the Philistines. They remembered and recognized that this was the great God who had smitten the Egyptians and brought Israel from under the oppression of her enemies. Nevertheless, the Philistines strengthened and stirred themselves up for warfare, every man steadied and prepared for the fight.

Israel Falls Again At Ebenezer

Israel Falls Again At Ebenezer

At Ebenezer, during the second battle, the Philistines fought ferociously against Israel and soundly thrashed them, causing them to flee and lose thirty thousand footmen in the process. Eli’s wicked sons, Hophni and Phinehas, were killed as prophecy had foretold; and the Ark of the Covenant was taken by the Philistines. A messenger escaped to run back to Shiloh with the bad news, informing the people of the ill events which had befallen the army of Israel and the Ark. Hearing the devasting events caused Eli, again according to prophecy, to fall backward from his seat by the road and break his neck. His daughter-in-law, Phinehas’ wife, died in childbirth while bringing forth a son whose name indicated that the Lord, His glory, had departed from Israel.

Trust God Not Symbols For Your Warfare

It may save us from the hand of our enemies:

They regarded the ark as the ultimate “good luck charm” and believed they could not lose with it there. They looked to the ark to save them, not to the LORD.

i. “Instead of attempting to get right with God, these Israelites set about devising superstitious means of securing the victory over their foes. In this respect most of us have imitated them. We think of a thousand inventions; but we neglect the one thing needful…. They forget the main matter, which is to enthrone God in the life, and to seek to do His will by faith in Christ Jesus.” (Spurgeon)

ii. “There are plenty of Christians, like these elders, who, when they find themselves beaten by the world and the devil, puzzle their brains to invent all sorts of reasons for God’s smiting, except the true one, – their own departure from Him.” (Maclaren)

A Remnant Of Egyptian Mysteries Survives

A Remnant Of Egyptian Mysteries Survives

Considering the pervasive efforts to destroy every fragment of African/Egyptian religion, still a remnant of Egyptian Mysteries survives. Many classical writers have tended to ignore or outright deny Egyptian contributions to culture and religion. Those who have sought to chronicle the region’s religion have found facts concerning the faith have been incomplete. Following the invasion of Egypt by Napoleon in 1798, there was a revival of interest in the culture with an eye for understanding and appreciating this most ancient of civilizations.

A Remnant Of Egyptian Mysteries Survives

The Ancient World Religion

Take into account that the Egyptian Mysteries had become the world religion, spreading throughout the Roman Empire as far as Asia Minor and Europe. The religious tenants of Egyptian Mysteries continued at length in Greece, Brittany and other parts of the world despite the Edict of Justinian. Ancient peoples, because of its abundant revelations and spiritual blessings, made their pilgrimage to the Holy Land of Egypt. However, the Mystery System was abolished according to this Edict along with the philosophical schools of Greece and other countries which had their foundation in the Egyptian Mysteries.

Egyptian Mysteries A World Religion

Rationale To Abolish Egyptian Mysteries

Upon its conquering and domination of the entire ancient world, the Roman government faced the problem of gaining control over the religious mind. Accomplishing this much needed aspect of life meant that another religion would have to take the place of Egyptian religion. This new religion would need be as powerful and universal as the previous world religion of Egyptian Mysteries. Therefore, every means necessary was used to promote the radical growth of Christianity.

Rise of Christianity

Vestiges From The Underground

Amid the invasions of the Persians, Greeks and Romans, the Egyptian diaspora fled to desert, mountain regions and neighboring lands of Africa, Asia Minor and Arabia. There they secretly developed and practiced the teachings which made up their Mystery System. Moors from North Africa (Mauritania), in the 8th century A.D., invaded Spain and took with them the Egyptian Mysteries which had survived. Knowkedge in the ancient times emanated from the parent or central system, known as the wisdom teachings of Egyptian Mysteries, later termed by the Greeks as Sophia. Moors efforts at inculcating this wisdom into foreign lands assured A Remnant Of Egyptian Mysteries Survives.

Moors civilize Europe

While occupying Spain, Moors greatly enhanced its civilization and culture through the establishment of famed schools of Cordova, Toledo, Seville, and Saragossa, which achieved such notoriety that students across the western world clamored to attend them. The world-renowned African professors in medicine, surgery, astronomy, mathematics and philosophy distinguished themselves in Spain. All of the so-called works of Aristotle and notable Greeks in Metaphysics, moral philosophy, natural science, and musical notation were initiated and advanced by Africans who kept in contact with Mother Egypt. As an aside, we should note that the great religious leaders of antiquity, from Moses to Christ, were initiates of this remnant Egyptian Mysteries that survived.

The Demise Of Egyptian Mysteries

Imitating Egypt

Following the conquest of Egypt by Alexander the Great, the Greeks became attracted to and began to imitate Egyptian religion in its entirety. Egyptian religion became very popular; and during the Roman occupation, it spread not only to Italy, but throughout the Roman Empire. However, this attraction to the mysterious worship of the Nile-land proved to be a fatal one, leading to the demise of Egyptian Mysteries.

Monument to Egyptian religion

Combining the Ancient Gods

This demise of Egyptian Mysteries began in the 3rd c. BCE during the reign of Ptolemy I Soter, who sought to unify the Egyptian and Greek populations. Characterized by a combining of the Gods of the Osirian Cycle and the Graco-Egyptian Serapis, this syncretization of Egyptian religion aimed at a close imitation of the Nile-land. Greeks, being in awe of the obelisks and sphinxes, linen vestments, priests and wonderful mysteries underlying the rituals, found Egyptian religion extremely alluring, yet, subsequently obstructive to the rise of Christianity.

The Demise Of Egyptian Mysteries

Failure Imitating Egyptian Religion

Conservatism of the Egyptian mysteries along with murky philosophical abstractions of Graco-Roman religion accounted for the advancement of Egyptian religion. A staunch faith accompanied by their mysterious forms of worship led to the ubiquitous conclusion among the ancients that Egypt was not only the Holy Land, but the holiest of lands and countries, the land where God dwells. Pilgrims who journeyed there and experienced its marvelous revelations and spiritual blessings, returned home convinced the Nile was the land of most profound religious knowledge.

The Greeks failed to imitate Egyptian conservatism not only in Egyptian cities with large Greek population, but in Europe as well. Egyptian divinities were corrupted with Greek and Asiatic names and mythologies, and reduced to vague pantheistic personalities, so that Isis and Osiris retained very little of their Egyptian origin. (Max Muller p. 241-243; Egyptian Mythology). Consequently, failing to advance Egyptian Philosophy, they also failed to advance Egyptian religion. This failure has led to the demise of Egyptian Mysteries.

Egyptian religion continued unabated and uninterrupted throughout the first four centuries of the Christian or common era; however, succeeding the Edict of Theodosius, ordering the close of Egyptian temples, Christianity began to spread more rapidly. Both the religion of Egypt and that of Greece began to die.

Survivors of Egyptian Religion

Final Edict Leads To Demise Of Egyptian Mysteries

Justinian issued a second edict in the sixth century A.D. which suppressed the remainder of Egyptian religious adherents, and propagated Christianity among the Nubians. With the death of the last priests who could read and interpret “the writings of the words of the Gods” (hieroglyphics), the Egyptian faith sank into oblivion. Only in popular magic did some practices linger on as faded footprints of a faith that had become a universal religion; the survival of a statue of Isis and Horus which were regarded as the Madonna and Child being one prime example.