A Remnant Of Egyptian Mysteries Survives

A Remnant Of Egyptian Mysteries Survives

Considering the pervasive efforts to destroy every fragment of African/Egyptian religion, still a remnant of Egyptian Mysteries survives. Many classical writers have tended to ignore or outright deny Egyptian contributions to culture and religion. Those who have sought to chronicle the region’s religion have found facts concerning the faith have been incomplete. Following the invasion of Egypt by Napoleon in 1798, there was a revival of interest in the culture with an eye for understanding and appreciating this most ancient of civilizations.

A Remnant Of Egyptian Mysteries Survives

The Ancient World Religion

Take into account that the Egyptian Mysteries had become the world religion, spreading throughout the Roman Empire as far as Asia Minor and Europe. The religious tenants of Egyptian Mysteries continued at length in Greece, Brittany and other parts of the world despite the Edict of Justinian. Ancient peoples, because of its abundant revelations and spiritual blessings, made their pilgrimage to the Holy Land of Egypt. However, the Mystery System was abolished according to this Edict along with the philosophical schools of Greece and other countries which had their foundation in the Egyptian Mysteries.

Egyptian Mysteries A World Religion

Rationale To Abolish Egyptian Mysteries

Upon its conquering and domination of the entire ancient world, the Roman government faced the problem of gaining control over the religious mind. Accomplishing this much needed aspect of life meant that another religion would have to take the place of Egyptian religion. This new religion would need be as powerful and universal as the previous world religion of Egyptian Mysteries. Therefore, every means necessary was used to promote the radical growth of Christianity.

Rise of Christianity

Vestiges From The Underground

Amid the invasions of the Persians, Greeks and Romans, the Egyptian diaspora fled to desert, mountain regions and neighboring lands of Africa, Asia Minor and Arabia. There they secretly developed and practiced the teachings which made up their Mystery System. Moors from North Africa (Mauritania), in the 8th century A.D., invaded Spain and took with them the Egyptian Mysteries which had survived. Knowkedge in the ancient times emanated from the parent or central system, known as the wisdom teachings of Egyptian Mysteries, later termed by the Greeks as Sophia. Moors efforts at inculcating this wisdom into foreign lands assured A Remnant Of Egyptian Mysteries Survives.

Moors civilize Europe

While occupying Spain, Moors greatly enhanced its civilization and culture through the establishment of famed schools of Cordova, Toledo, Seville, and Saragossa, which achieved such notoriety that students across the western world clamored to attend them. The world-renowned African professors in medicine, surgery, astronomy, mathematics and philosophy distinguished themselves in Spain. All of the so-called works of Aristotle and notable Greeks in Metaphysics, moral philosophy, natural science, and musical notation were initiated and advanced by Africans who kept in contact with Mother Egypt. As an aside, we should note that the great religious leaders of antiquity, from Moses to Christ, were initiates of this remnant Egyptian Mysteries that survived.

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