Trusting In A Symbol For Warfare

Trusting In A Symbol

Before the youth Samuel had become a prophet and the final judge in Shiloh, Israel had begun trusting in a symbol for warfare rather than the actual presence of God. Since Yehovah had intervened for them in many previous battles, and especially in delivering them out of Egypt, they assumed that he would be with them as the Philistines put themselves in array in an effort to encroach upon their territory. Israel was trusting in a symbol for warfare which became not only the nexus of their defeat but also ushered in the transition from theocracy to monarchy.

Philistine Army Arrayed Against Israel

Israel Assumes A Victory

Israel is confronted with the armies of the Philistines and went out to battle against them from their position beside Ebenezer. From their response following the battle in chapter 4 of first Samuel, we can surmise they held the assumption that victory was theirs for the taking. However, Philistines brandishing them from the field proved that assumption incorrect, handing them a loss of about four thousand footmen. Retreating to camp, the elders began to cry and complain that it was the Lord’s doing in their defeat, he not being present during the battle. Consequently, they sent back to Shiloh for Eli the priest’s sons, Hophni and Phinehas, to bring up the Ark of the Covenant, assuming that it would assure them of victory.

Trusting In A Symbol For Warfare

Misplaced confidence in a symbol

Arrival of the Ark of the Covenant aroused a renewed and excited but misplaced confidence that the presence of Yehovah now with Israel would provide the victory. The Israelites raised such a great shout of confidence in the symbol of the Lord’s presence as the Ark entered the camp that it brought fear in the hearts of the Philistines. They remembered and recognized that this was the great God who had smitten the Egyptians and brought Israel from under the oppression of her enemies. Nevertheless, the Philistines strengthened and stirred themselves up for warfare, every man steadied and prepared for the fight.

Israel Falls Again At Ebenezer

Israel Falls Again At Ebenezer

At Ebenezer, during the second battle, the Philistines fought ferociously against Israel and soundly thrashed them, causing them to flee and lose thirty thousand footmen in the process. Eli’s wicked sons, Hophni and Phinehas, were killed as prophecy had foretold; and the Ark of the Covenant was taken by the Philistines. A messenger escaped to run back to Shiloh with the bad news, informing the people of the ill events which had befallen the army of Israel and the Ark. Hearing the devasting events caused Eli, again according to prophecy, to fall backward from his seat by the road and break his neck. His daughter-in-law, Phinehas’ wife, died in childbirth while bringing forth a son whose name indicated that the Lord, His glory, had departed from Israel.

Trust God Not Symbols For Your Warfare

It may save us from the hand of our enemies:

They regarded the ark as the ultimate “good luck charm” and believed they could not lose with it there. They looked to the ark to save them, not to the LORD.

i. “Instead of attempting to get right with God, these Israelites set about devising superstitious means of securing the victory over their foes. In this respect most of us have imitated them. We think of a thousand inventions; but we neglect the one thing needful…. They forget the main matter, which is to enthrone God in the life, and to seek to do His will by faith in Christ Jesus.” (Spurgeon)

ii. “There are plenty of Christians, like these elders, who, when they find themselves beaten by the world and the devil, puzzle their brains to invent all sorts of reasons for God’s smiting, except the true one, – their own departure from Him.” (Maclaren)

A Remnant Of Egyptian Mysteries Survives

A Remnant Of Egyptian Mysteries Survives

Considering the pervasive efforts to destroy every fragment of African/Egyptian religion, still a remnant of Egyptian Mysteries survives. Many classical writers have tended to ignore or outright deny Egyptian contributions to culture and religion. Those who have sought to chronicle the region’s religion have found facts concerning the faith have been incomplete. Following the invasion of Egypt by Napoleon in 1798, there was a revival of interest in the culture with an eye for understanding and appreciating this most ancient of civilizations.

A Remnant Of Egyptian Mysteries Survives

The Ancient World Religion

Take into account that the Egyptian Mysteries had become the world religion, spreading throughout the Roman Empire as far as Asia Minor and Europe. The religious tenants of Egyptian Mysteries continued at length in Greece, Brittany and other parts of the world despite the Edict of Justinian. Ancient peoples, because of its abundant revelations and spiritual blessings, made their pilgrimage to the Holy Land of Egypt. However, the Mystery System was abolished according to this Edict along with the philosophical schools of Greece and other countries which had their foundation in the Egyptian Mysteries.

Egyptian Mysteries A World Religion

Rationale To Abolish Egyptian Mysteries

Upon its conquering and domination of the entire ancient world, the Roman government faced the problem of gaining control over the religious mind. Accomplishing this much needed aspect of life meant that another religion would have to take the place of Egyptian religion. This new religion would need be as powerful and universal as the previous world religion of Egyptian Mysteries. Therefore, every means necessary was used to promote the radical growth of Christianity.

Rise of Christianity

Vestiges From The Underground

Amid the invasions of the Persians, Greeks and Romans, the Egyptian diaspora fled to desert, mountain regions and neighboring lands of Africa, Asia Minor and Arabia. There they secretly developed and practiced the teachings which made up their Mystery System. Moors from North Africa (Mauritania), in the 8th century A.D., invaded Spain and took with them the Egyptian Mysteries which had survived. Knowkedge in the ancient times emanated from the parent or central system, known as the wisdom teachings of Egyptian Mysteries, later termed by the Greeks as Sophia. Moors efforts at inculcating this wisdom into foreign lands assured A Remnant Of Egyptian Mysteries Survives.

Moors civilize Europe

While occupying Spain, Moors greatly enhanced its civilization and culture through the establishment of famed schools of Cordova, Toledo, Seville, and Saragossa, which achieved such notoriety that students across the western world clamored to attend them. The world-renowned African professors in medicine, surgery, astronomy, mathematics and philosophy distinguished themselves in Spain. All of the so-called works of Aristotle and notable Greeks in Metaphysics, moral philosophy, natural science, and musical notation were initiated and advanced by Africans who kept in contact with Mother Egypt. As an aside, we should note that the great religious leaders of antiquity, from Moses to Christ, were initiates of this remnant Egyptian Mysteries that survived.

The Demise Of Egyptian Mysteries

Imitating Egypt

Following the conquest of Egypt by Alexander the Great, the Greeks became attracted to and began to imitate Egyptian religion in its entirety. Egyptian religion became very popular; and during the Roman occupation, it spread not only to Italy, but throughout the Roman Empire. However, this attraction to the mysterious worship of the Nile-land proved to be a fatal one, leading to the demise of Egyptian Mysteries.

Monument to Egyptian religion

Combining the Ancient Gods

This demise of Egyptian Mysteries began in the 3rd c. BCE during the reign of Ptolemy I Soter, who sought to unify the Egyptian and Greek populations. Characterized by a combining of the Gods of the Osirian Cycle and the Graco-Egyptian Serapis, this syncretization of Egyptian religion aimed at a close imitation of the Nile-land. Greeks, being in awe of the obelisks and sphinxes, linen vestments, priests and wonderful mysteries underlying the rituals, found Egyptian religion extremely alluring, yet, subsequently obstructive to the rise of Christianity.

The Demise Of Egyptian Mysteries

Failure Imitating Egyptian Religion

Conservatism of the Egyptian mysteries along with murky philosophical abstractions of Graco-Roman religion accounted for the advancement of Egyptian religion. A staunch faith accompanied by their mysterious forms of worship led to the ubiquitous conclusion among the ancients that Egypt was not only the Holy Land, but the holiest of lands and countries, the land where God dwells. Pilgrims who journeyed there and experienced its marvelous revelations and spiritual blessings, returned home convinced the Nile was the land of most profound religious knowledge.

The Greeks failed to imitate Egyptian conservatism not only in Egyptian cities with large Greek population, but in Europe as well. Egyptian divinities were corrupted with Greek and Asiatic names and mythologies, and reduced to vague pantheistic personalities, so that Isis and Osiris retained very little of their Egyptian origin. (Max Muller p. 241-243; Egyptian Mythology). Consequently, failing to advance Egyptian Philosophy, they also failed to advance Egyptian religion. This failure has led to the demise of Egyptian Mysteries.

Egyptian religion continued unabated and uninterrupted throughout the first four centuries of the Christian or common era; however, succeeding the Edict of Theodosius, ordering the close of Egyptian temples, Christianity began to spread more rapidly. Both the religion of Egypt and that of Greece began to die.

Survivors of Egyptian Religion

Final Edict Leads To Demise Of Egyptian Mysteries

Justinian issued a second edict in the sixth century A.D. which suppressed the remainder of Egyptian religious adherents, and propagated Christianity among the Nubians. With the death of the last priests who could read and interpret “the writings of the words of the Gods” (hieroglyphics), the Egyptian faith sank into oblivion. Only in popular magic did some practices linger on as faded footprints of a faith that had become a universal religion; the survival of a statue of Isis and Horus which were regarded as the Madonna and Child being one prime example.

Women Abuse Reveals Evil Resulting In Civil War III

Having consulted with and cried before Yehovah for the third time, Israel is fortified by his word of deliverance and proceeds to fulfill how women abuse reveals evil resulting in civil war III. This time they take a note from Joshuah’s strategy book during his attack at Ai. Benjamin, by this time, is puffed and fill with pride because of their previous victories; not realizing that disaster is merely a brief distance away.

Israel approaches Gibeah as before in a frontal attack. And as before the troops of Benjamin come confidently out to join the battle against them, driving them into another retreat. However, Israel has set 10,000 soldiers in ambush posture round about the city. When the forces of Benjamin are far enough outside of the city walls pursuing Israel, the Israeli forces lying in wait attack, killing all of the inhabitants, and burn the city with fire. When Benjamin looks back and see the smoke looming skyward, they realize they have been caught in a trap. They attempt to flee, but Israeli forces hunt them down, killing all but 600 men.

Evil Catches Them In A Trap

Those 600 survivors of Benjamin flee to refuge at the Rock of Rimmon where they remained for four months. Israel, realizing its brutal and genocidal breech upon their brother tribe, are remorseful, and desire to make amends. Their plan of reparation is to mount an attack upon the unsuspecting town of Jabesh-Gilead whose men had not answered the call for military service. Israel attacked the town, killing all of it’s inhabitants excepting 400 virgin women. Again, we see that. Women Abuse Reveals Evil Resulting In Civil War III.

Women Abuse Reveals Evil Resulting In Civil War III

Israel’s proposal is to present these 400 virgins as wives for a peace offering to Benjamin who are in danger of losing their inheritance and future posterity. Remember, however, there are only 400 virgins; while 600 men in need of a mate. Therefore, another evil plot is hatched to wait for the festival at Shiloh when the young maids come out dance. There, the remainder of Benjamin’s tribe is to lay in hiding; and while the girls are unaware, Benjamin kidnaps two hundred other virgins for wives. Thus, Benjamin prevents the extermination of a tribe from Israel.

Evil Revealed In Women Kidnapping

Certainly, there is no way to completely decipher the mind and purpose of Yehovah through these horrific events, nevertheless, we understand that Women Abuse Reveals Evil Resulting In Civil War III. Women did not have a voice nor control over their own bodies. Although God can use evil to bring about good, we believe that much civil strife and abuse may be eliminated should we simply strive to treat each other humanely. The civil war we have recounted hung on the evil of men. Yet, Yehovah used the tribe of Benjamin to anoint Israel’s first king, and the tribe of the concubine woman, Judah, to anoint a savior, the King of Kings.

A savior Of Women And All Humankind

Women Abuse Reveals Evil Resulting In Civil War II

The narrative of the Levite and his concubine in Judges 19 – 21 continues here in Women Abuse Reveals Evil Resulting In Civil War II. It is a chilling illustration of how the callousness and disregard for devotion to Yehovah, and dismissiveness regarding the rights and feelings of women can lead to disastrous consequences. The Levite returned home preparing to send a graphic message to all the tribes that evil and foolishness had been done in Israel.

Levite perpetuates Evil He Helped To Trigger

Again, we see that the Levite was willing to employ macabre methods to send a message to the several tribes for the vindication of his honor. Like a piece of meat hoisted upon the butcher’s table, he proceeded to cut his concubine into twelve pieces; then, he sent a piece to every tribe. Of course, all but the tribe of Benjamin were outraged by such a dreadful display. Consensus for a plan of action was contemplated among the tribal leaders and 400,000 constituents in a meeting at Mizpah. They went up to Benjamin demanding that the evil men of Gibeah be given up for execution. Benjamin, unwilling to amend the evil, refused to give the men up; thereby, initiating the beginning of civil war in Israel.

Israel Assembles Demanding Evil Men Of Gibeah

After inquiry of the Lord at Bethel, Judah was chosen first to go up and fight against the people of Benjamin. Benjamin had brought 26,000 men to the fight, beside the 700 who were already at Gibeah. Among those, there were said to be 700 left-handed who were sharp shooters able to hit a hairbreadth target. Judah went up but were discomfited, losing 22,000 men in the battle. Retreating to lick their wounds and weep before Yehovah, they queried of God if they should go up again. Receiving counsel to go out and fight again the second day, Israel attacked Gibeah; but again, were buffeted and thrown back, 18,000 men being mowed down. Utterly disappointed and doubtful, Israel withdrew to Bethel, where the Ark of God was, weeping, fasting, and offering burnt and peace offerings. Nevertheless, they inquired once more, and Yehovah assured them that Benjamin would be delivered into their hand.

Women Abuse Reveals Evil Resulting In Civil War II

Coming Soon: Final Episode of Women Abuse Reveals Evil Resulting In Civil War III

Women Abuse Reveals Evil Resulting In Civil War

From the perspective of our natural mind, there can be no more horrific war story than the one recorded in chapters 19 – 21 of the book of Judges found in the Hebrew Bible. There it is related how women abuse reveals evil resulting in civil war among the tribes of the nation of Israel. Dependent upon which version of the Bible is read, one may make an assessment of the moderation or mordancy of culpability attributed to the parties involved in this tragic narrative.

Levite Returns For Wife

Dreadful is the beginning of this story with a Levite man from the hill country of Ephraim going to Bethlehem to retrieve his concubine/wife who had fled to her father’s house because she was angry with him. The succeeding context suggest that this Levite was of a selfish, brash and arrogant temperament, with little regard for the welfare of others, especially women. Arriving at the father-in-law’s house, he cordially entreated his maiden to return home with him. Consequently, she agreed; as her father made welcome the Levite/priest, setting forth festivities for his pleasant visit. Persuading the Levite to stay for four days and enjoy his hospitality, the father was unable to compel the Levite to remain on day five. Late in the day, he departed for Ephraim.

Daylight began to wane as he reached Jebus/ Jerusalem, and his servant suggested they lodge there for the night. However, his bias against so-called alien people prevented him from abiding in their city. He ventured on toward Gibeah which he viewed as a friendly Benjamite city. Notwithstanding, arriving early nightfall, no one offered to receive him as guest in their home. Consequently, they found a place in the city square to rest for the night. Presently, an old man, also of Ephraim, returning from the fields, observed the party and invited them to dwell at his house for the night.

Men Of Gibeah At The Door

Men of Gibeah, having learned that visitors resided with the old man, surrounded his house and began beating at the door; demanding that he should send them out so they could have their way and sexually abuse them. The old man declined, offering the dastardly alternative to send out his own virgin daughter along with the Levite’s concubine, claiming this to be a lesser evil. Not satisfied with this answer, the men began to force their way through the door; but before they could breech the door, the Levite shoved his wife out and slammed the door behind her. These vile men of Gibeah attacked the woman and sexually used her all night long. After taking turns, they let her go; allowing her to stumble half-dead upon the old man’s doorstep just before dawn. The Levite came out early morning and brusquely called out, up, let’s be going! but, there was no answer. And we shall subsequently see that this Women Abuse Reveals Evil Resulting In Civil War for the nation of Israel.

Women Abuse Reveals Evil Resulting In Civil War

Story to be continued……..

300 With Trumpets, Clay Pots And Torches Conquer Midian Armies

Biblical warfare stories prompt us to ask how does 300 with trumpets, clay pots and torches conquer Midian armies. The stage is set when Israel backslides from Yehovah and is consequently oppressed by Midian for seven years. The Israelites begin to cry out to God; and in his mercy, he laments his prior inaction on their behalf, and provides a remedy for their oppression.

Gideon threshing by the winepress

The remedy provided was an angel of Yehovah visiting Gideon threshing wheat by the winepress in an attempt to hide from the Midianites. Although he was hiding to prevent Midianite robbers from confiscating his grain, the angel of the Lord addressed him as the Mighty Man of Valor. The Lord instructed him to go in strength and save Israel from the hand of the Midianites.

Gideon, in his doubt, asked Yehovah for a sign to prove that God was with him in amassing a force to fight against the armies of Midian. Only after God had shown him signs, wet fleece on dry ground and dry fleece on wet ground, did Gideon gain assurance to gather his people together and pitch beside the well of Harod against the host of the Midianites. Even so, the Lord proclaimed that Gideon had too many people with him. After pairing out the fearful, he got down to twenty-two thousand; however, for the purpose of God’s glory, that was still too many.

Only lappers make the 300

Gideon is instructed by Yehovah to bring the people down to the water to test them. only those who drank from the water holding their hand to their mouth and lapping with their tongue as a dog shall be selected to join the battle against Midian. Three hundred were left to fight and deliver Israel from their oppressors. Three hundred men with food and trumpets go down in the valley to conquer the Midianites.

Upon hearing a providential dream interpreted in the camp of the enemy, Gideon assembled his 300 with trumpets, clay pots and torches to conquer Midian. He divided the three hundred into three companies; a trumpet, a pot with a torch within in every man’s hand. At his signal during the middle watch all of the men blew their trumpets, broke their pots and held up the torches that were within. Seeing the torches light surrounding their camp and hearing the 300 shout, “The sword of the Lord, and of Gideon”, the Midianites began to flee and fight against one another.

300 with trumpets, clay pots and torches conquer Midian armies

Midianite troops being routed by their own fears, Gideon called in reserves from all the men of Ephraim along with Asher, Naphtali, and Manasseh to finish the mop up operation. They captured and killed all the kings of Midian, divesting them of all their royal robes and riches. Israel had rest from Midian who would never rise up against them again. As a result of the 300 with trumpets, clay pots and torches conquering Midian armies, Gideon became ruler over Israel.

Book Review Of “Will”

Will Smith’s book, “Will”, is a Penguin Press 2021 publication of the famous actor’s and celebrity’s memoirs. This book review of “Will” reveals that it is a fast-moving collection of personal stories detailing what he considers to be his emotional, historical, and social trajectory of life. The book is co-authored with Mark Manson.

Book Review Of “Will”

This book review of “Will” discloses how the author details much of his early childhood upbringing, his personal development within the unique familial context, and what those influences had on his becoming the type of human being he would mature into. Daddio and Mom-Mom, his parents, three siblings and kids from the west Philadelphia neighborhood made up the nucleus which informed his evolving personality.

“Will” is a book whose central theme explores the concept of Willard Carroll Smith II’s courage. The book advances the manner in which those early influences, family environment, strict parental forces, close-knit middle-class neighborhood pressures and social aspirations served to promote or constrict his concept of courage. Will considered himself to be a coward from early childhood, unwilling to take a stance for what he considered truthful or right; he would waffle in the face of conflict.

Will developing courage in family

In our book review of “Will” we discovered that Will employs a streaming narrative that rehearses the formative events of his journey as a precocious kid from the streets of Philadelphia to a fledging and then failing MC to a world-renowned movie star. He demonstrates how his funny and entertaining personality acted as a coping mechanism for dealing with his perceived issues of conflict avoidance.

His storytelling ability is notable with the use of a mixture of street idiom and lively standard language use. Through such devices, he pens the frustrations and successes which mark his eventual rise to fame and stardom. Will sets out the circumstances, controversies and yes, conflicts, that molded the character which has come to define his life. Although he has achieved the pinnacle of success, from his narrative we get the sense that he can never become satisfied or at peace with his accomplishments.

The author, in our review of “Will”, presents his life story as a possible motivation for those striving for wealth and success. The book may be especially appealing to young people who desire to attain a significant measure of instant gratification. However, he does not fail to remind his audience that the climb is a grind. He records that along with being in the right place at the right time, one must have a dogged work ethic which sometimes draws the resentment of others, not only outside, but inside your social orb. “Will” describes how Will is still going through the process of coming to grips with himself. The book is an easy, entertaining read which intrigues attention. Check it out for yourself.